This system is designed to rapidly evaporate/concentrate solvents by both heating the sample bottom and the incoming nitrogen. Each position is furnished with an individual needle for the best possible delivery of .
The pulsing feature that is selectable allows a film of solvent to be thrown on the sidewall; then the vortex collapses. Next the vortex again is created, and the process continues until the concentration level is achieved providing the quickest method of solvent evaporation. This unit takes up less bench space compared to other concentrators. The beauty of this system is the flexibility to change sample size. The system is furnished with the 2 heat block chambers and then you select the polypropylene manifold and aluminum block to fit your application. Changing to another size of vial takes only a few minutes.
• Micro-processor based control technology
• Speed 150 to 1000 rpm, Speed Setting Increment: 10 rpm
• 4-line back-lit LCD display
• Built-in digital timer (seconds: 1-60, minutes: 1-60, hours: 1-24)
• User selectable pulse profile (Pulses-per-minute: 1-100), Ppm-duty-cycle: 1-99 %
• Timer and Pulse mode may be combined.
• Communication port (USB)
• Membrane switch user interface (4-button)
• Soft Start/Stop of motor
• Optional software for real time data acquisition
• Orbital offset .070”
• Set point temperature for bottom blocks (120oC Maximum)
• Flow meter located on left side of mixer
• A fine needle valve for flow control is provided on each manifold
• Maximum psi: 20
Size: 55.9cm x 30.5cm x 20.3cm to drive plate
Platform size: 17.8cm x 30.5cm
Mixer mounts: Vibration absorbing for minimum transfer to lab bench
On/Off switch: Located on front of unit
Finish: Light gray and black powder coat finish
Load: Up to 2.5kgs
240V, CE Furnished with 2.5-meter cord and CEE 7/7 plug
240V Furnished with 1.2-meter cord and locking connector
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